27 februari 2009


» Designed for regular use with the Nintendo Wii and for the

three Dimensional interaction concept of Wii Spray.

» A real add-on for the Wii, just plug the Wii Remote in the
Wii Spray Can and start!

» Buttonless design, easy use for left-and-right-handed persons.
Wii Spray uses an input interface similar to the Montana donut system.

» Pressure sensitive valve, up to 128 Values.

» Up to 128 different caps - inexpensive technology (less than 40 cent)
and build to resist!

» Interactive color display with the possibillity to show
the color level in six steps! just in case…

» USB port for charging the battery and load the latest firmware.

» the Wii Spray 2nd edition controller is able to sense its distance to the wall you are spraying on.

check: http://www.wiispray.com/

25 februari 2009


INFAMY from 321 on Vimeo.

"INFAMY is an intense journey into the dangerous lives and obsessed minds of six of America’s most prolific graffiti artists. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Doug Pray (“Hype!” and “Scratch”) who teamed up with writer, publisher, and graffiti guru Roger Gastman, the movie takes you deep into the world of street legends SABER, TOOMER, JASE, CLAW, EARSNOT, and ENEM.

With brutal honesty, humor and charisma, these artists reveal why they are so willing to risk everything to spray paint their cities with "tags," “throwups,” and full-color murals. You'll also meet Joe "THE GRAFFITI GUERRILLA" Connolly, a notorious “buffer” who paints out graffiti on his neighborhood’s walls with a vengeance matched only by those who vandalized them. From the streets of the South Bronx to the solitude of a San Francisco tunnel, from high atop a Hollywood billboard to North Philadelphia for a lesson in "Philly-style tags," from the Mexican border to a Cleveland train yard, INFAMY doesn't analyze or glorify graffiti... it takes you there and brings it to life."


Beautiful Losers film trailer from beautifullosersfilm on Vimeo.

"Beautiful Losers celebrates the spirit behind one of the most influential cultural movements of a generation. In the early 1990's a loose-knit group of likeminded outsiders found common ground at a little NYC storefront gallery. Rooted in the DIY (do-it-yourself) subcultures of skateboarding, surf, punk, hip hop & graffiti, they made art that reflected the lifestyles they led. Developing their craft with almost no influence from the "establishment" art world, this group, and the subcultures they sprang from, have now become a movement that has been transforming pop culture. Starring a selection of artists who are considered leaders within this culture, Beautiful Losers focuses on the telling of personal stories...speaking to themes of what happens when the outside becomes "in" as it explores the creative ethos connecting these artists and today's youth."


Travel Chronicles with Steve Powers from wejetset video on Vimeo.

23 februari 2009


"De soloplaat van drummer Josh Freese kan je online bestellen in elf edities, waaronder eentje van 75 duizend dollar.

Freese, die onder meer bandlid was van Nine Inch Nails, Devo, Guns N Roses en The Vandals en drumwerk verrichtte op bijna 300 albums, heeft een hilarisch businessmodel rond zijn nieuwe solo-album bekendgemaakt.

Naast een download en een cd geeft hij nog veel meer keuzes voor edities in gelimiteerde oplage. Voor vijftig dollar krijg je naast zijn muziek ook een telefoongesprek van vijf minuten. Voor 250 dollar mag je met hem lunchen, voor duizend dollar wast hij je auto, en bij elke duurdere oplage wordt de lijst cadeaus langer.

Voor vijfduizend dollar (drie stuks) schrijft Josh een liedje over je wat ook op iTunes wordt gezet en mag je daar samen met hem een videoclip bij regisseren. De drie duurste opties zijn exclusief en bestaan uit allerlei tripjes naar uitgaangsgelegenheden rond Los Angeles, met veel alcohol en luxe. Ook mag je zelf meespelen op een speciale EP met vijf nummers over jouw leven, mag je een van zijn drumstellen meenemen en wordt Freese een paar weken je persoonlijke assistent. Dat laatste is alleen voor Amerikanen beschikbaar.

Radiohead en Nine Inch Nails bewezen eerder al dat geld verdienen door gratis muziek online weg te geven en tegelijk luxe pakketten cd's en lp's in gelimiteerde oplage te verkopen, erg lucratief kan zijn. Maar de vraag is wat minder bekende bands aan zulke modellen kunnen hebben. Freese is daar kennelijk cynisch over gestemd.

Bands proberen intussen van alles en nog wat. Zo verkoopt de band The Presidents of the USA hun nieuwe muziek als een iPhone-app van 3 dollar en verkoopt John Wesley Harding bij zijn cd ook een optreden in je achtertuin. En het bandje Officer Roseland betaalt jou, of een goed doel, zelfs 1 dollar als je hun nieuwe plaat downloadt. Tel uit je winst!"

bron: bright

22 februari 2009


"With the latest Kaws exhibition opening tonight in Los Angeles at Honor Fraser, the LA Times has published an article on the artist. It’s an interesting piece on the move from the streets and product to the gallery."

Check it out here


15 februari 2009


more info @ niels 'shoe' meulman's CALLIGRAFFITI website

12 februari 2009


Trailer for ‘Inglorious Basterds’, a new film by Quentin Tarantino - starring Brad Pitt, Eli Roth, BJ Novak, Mike Myers, Michael Fassbender.

"In German-occupied France, Shosanna Dreyfus witnesses the execution of her family at the hand of Nazi Colonel Hans Landa. Shosanna narrowly escapes and flees to Paris, where she forges a new identity as the owner and operator of a cinema. Elsewhere in Europe, Lieutenant Aldo Raine organizes a group of Jewish soldiers to engage in targeted acts of retribution. Known to their enemy as “The Basterds,” Raine’s squad joins German actress and undercover agent Bridget Von Hammersmark on a mission to take down the leaders of The Third Reich. Fates converge under a cinema marquee, where Shosanna is poised to carry out a revenge plan of her own…"

Release Date: August 21st, 2009


"When we learned that Bob and Chaz, the two founding members of The London Police back in 1998, were joining forces once again, we were absolutely thrilled.

For the past week Bob and Chaz have been in Brooklyn, working on a massive canvas for a local collector (shown above).

If this is any indication of what's to come from TLP in 2009, its going to be a very good year for them. Look out for shows in London and Amsterdam shows in April and May respectively."


"Wie in China de doodstraf krijgt, kan gewoon thuis wachten tot de Death Van komt langsrijden. Een lugubere service.

Om te bewijzen dat het wel snor zit met de mensenrechten in China, besloot de regering af te stappen van de kogel en over te stappen op de lethal injection. Daar hoef je bovendien de deur niet meer voor uit.

De Death Van komt gewoon langs om de veroordeelde er zijn laatste cocktail in toe te dienen. De fabrikant heeft een glimmende brochure in het Chinees en in het Engels voor hun vehikel uitgegeven. Veertig zijn er ondertussen al in gebruik door de Chinese overheid.

Amnesty International verdenkt hen ervan de organen van veroordeelden te verkopen. De Death Van zou dat een stuk makkelijker maken."


9 februari 2009


"Yesterday on CBS News, Charles Osgood’s Sunday Morning will feature a piece on KAWS and his recent exhibition at Gering & López.

He’s one of the hottest names in the art world … and he has an unusual name to be sure, KAWS. After making his name in the graffiti world in the 1990s in Jersey City, KAWS left that life behind and started to paint canvases and design products. With his bright colors and clean, crisp lines, his work is perfection to many fans. Many musicians have taken note: Hip-Hip mogul Pharrell Williams has filled his Miami home with KAWS’ work. Kanye West asked KAWS for colorful designs for his latest album cover.

Working from a small Brooklyn studio, the shy 34-year-old has also created products with massive brands, including Nike, Lucasfilm and Marc Jacobs. KAWS’ rising star has now led to high-profile solo shows in art galleries in New York, Miami, and an upcoming show in Los Angeles. KAWS talks to correspondent Serena Altschul and steps out of his studio to meet the fans."

5 februari 2009


"Although both are known for very different musical genres, Stones Throw and Ed Banger remain two of the world’s most respected labels. Peanut Butter Wolf from Hip-Hop label Stones Throw recently hooked up with Pedro Winter aka Busy P of Ed Banger for an interesting interview. Both personalities shine through an intriguing piece that covers various aspects of each company and how they came about working together."

check it out HERE

1 februari 2009


"Two city construction road signs near the University of Texas were hacked Monday morning warning the residents of Austin that a zombie attack was imminent."